career transition case study


Being laid off from a very turbulent workforce at the end of the year is not a position anyone wants or should be in.  I was scared, sad, angry, and frustrated, not knowing what I would do.  Not to mention lost.  I thought maybe a career coach could help me figure it out.  After interviewing dozens of professional coaches and resume writers, I decided to go with Peter, and I am glad I did!          


After an introductory conversation, Peter and Robert set clear project outcomes: For Robert to build a brand and market strategy/execution and targeted/ aligned job submission documents that would provide him with confidence and momentum, resulting in multiple offers and making a great decision to move ahead with the company of his choosing…in under 90 days!   


Coach Peter and Robert created an action plan that would:

  • Put Robert in touch with his awesome brand.
  • Create a rigorous target market plan.
  • Build a targeted resume that would bring out the STAR stories that would give Robert confidence/gain the attention of the right hiring companies/teams.
  • Prepare for and execute winning interviews.
  • Analyze/work each job offer based on his rigorous decision-making criteria, ensuring the optimal decision.
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone.


“Before selecting Peter, I jumped headfirst into the job market without confidence or direction. From our first meeting, Peter centered my focus with his leadership, guidance and step by step process – I felt confident that I would be successful. Peter’s Interviewing to Win and Winning the Race processes were stellar as he helped me to speak to my power stories, ask smart questions, and follow up with on-target messaging that got the attention of the hiring teams. Importantly, his experience and knowledge allowed me to overcome challenges, obstacles, rejections, and being ghosted to finally gain three offers from high-value companies/teams with excellent benefits and compensation packages. With Peter’s guidance, I made the best decision for myself and my family, all in under 90 days! I cannot thank Peter enough for the direction and path he has set me on as I tread forward in my career with heart and empathy for my team and, ultimately, the patients.”

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