Where meaning, strategy, and results happen
I provide proven career and job transition strategies, along with job performance optimization that empowers you to achieve tangible results and create lasting professional and personal success.
Let's Connect

Meet Your Coach

Learn why Peter got into coaching and his motivation to help people WIN with either job search or on their job performance.

Real People, Real Stories

See how Peter empowers middle, upper and executive level leaders to meet their career transition,  job transition & performance goals.

Real Results

of clients met or exceeded their career, job transition, or performance goals.
0 %
search-to-placement ratio achieved within 3 to 6 months.
0 %
would refer this program to a friend or colleague.
0 %

The Lucky Organizations Who Hired or Retained My Clients

Steering Leadership Careers in Capital Markets

Whether our clients are managing partners, chief financial officers, senior investment associates, or anything in between, my goal is always the same: to empower each individual to either secure a new position or elevate their current role, so that by the end of our collaboration, they move forward with optimism and confidence.


Celebrating Your Brand - Values (Part 5/5)
From overcoming personal obstacles to building a championship brand, I share how Karen is taking control of her destiny while keeping her values intact.
Celebrating Your Brand - Experience (Part 4/5)
Have you ever been faced with a life-changing dilemma? Making the right choice can be a huge leap of faith, but it can be done when you know where to start - let me show you how!
Celebrating Your Brand - Talent (Part 3/5)
What does a sand angel and talent have in common? They both create the opportunity to tap into inborn traits you might not be taking advantage of! What talents could you be putting to better use?
Celebrating Your Brand - Personality (Part 2/5)
As part 2 of the 6-part mini-series called “Celebrating your brand”, I explore your PERSONALITY. In the discussion, I talk about 4 key aspects of your personality, the 16 Meyers Briggs personality types, and why people with the same type can enjoy unique careers. Next week we will discuss TALENT.
Celebrating Your Brand - Temperament (Part 1/5)
As part 1 of the 6-part mini-series called “Celebrating your brand”, I explore the foundation of your authentic brand, TEMPERAMENT. In the discussion, I provide examples of 4 temperaments (Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, and Melancholic and ask you to see if you can figure out which one describes you best of all, and to celebrate that knowledge!
Mindset and Humiliation
How do you maintain a rational mindset when faced with a humiliating experience? Check out my POWER THOUGHT solution that really works.

Our Packages

Onboarding for Success

Onboarding for Success

Congratulations! You made the transition, and you are starting your new role shortly. At first, you are excited, but then reality sets in, and you begin to think, how am I going to ensure that I make a positive impact in my job over the first 90 days?
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Job Performance

Job Performance

You want to improve your on-the-job performance and become more confident and esteemed by your colleagues, upper management, and clients.
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Career & Job Transition

Career & Job Transition

Whether you need to make a career change or leave your current job, it’s essential to do so thoughtfully and strategically.
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Ready to learn more effective job search and job performance strategies?

Level-up with a complimentary 1-hour consultation with Peter today!