
“I was selected to interview for my dream job with an excellent company. My only problem was that I hadn't successfully landed a job in past interviews! So, I thought to myself, if I am going to win this one, I need some help from someone who can jump in with both feet and coach me to success. I went online and found Peter from Connections Career Coaching. The rest is history!"


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Myra set clear project outcomes: For Myra to implement Peter’s 5 Step STAR process in such a way that it would leave no doubt in the hiring team’s mind that she is the best candidate for the job.

Interview Action Plan

 Coach Peter and Myra created a 10-day sprint interview action plan that would:

  • Shine a light on the background of the people she would be interviewing.
  • Create 11 STAR stories that would answer their behavioral-based questions and plant seeds for conversations and relationships to be built.    
  • Create SMART questions for Myra to ask.
  • Practice stories and questions within the mock interview process.
  • Allow for rigorous post-interview after-action calls to discuss learnings and written follow-up strategies.
  • Build/maintain a positive and focused mindset.    

Job Offer Action Plan

  • Discuss how to approach the verbal offer call.
  • Discuss the offer considering priority needs.
  • Decide yes or no on the offer.
  • Discuss how to follow up with the employer.


“I received a job offer that was better than I ever imagined! Thank you, Peter!”

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