
“I had been working for 3 years on the customer support team of a national health insurance company. My performance was exceptional, ranked top 5% of all support representatives, was promoted to Tier II support, and was called upon to train new hires! With all that said, there was no career track beyond my current position, the relational environment had changed due to COVID, and I needed to make more money. So, I said to myself, time to find a place that is aligned with my values, where I can have a career and make the change in 90 days. That was a tall order as I had no idea where to start. Then I met Coach Peter."


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Luke set clear project outcomes: For Luke to
build a brand and market strategy/execution that would:

  • Provide Luke with tons of confidence and energy.
  • Position Luke in industries aligned with his brand and decision-making criteria.
  • Translate Luke’s career successes into a few high-impact stories that resonated with targeted employers.
  • Make a great decision on which lucky to go to work for.
  • Get it all done in 90 days.


Coach Peter and Luke created an action plan that would:

  1. Clearly define Luke’s unique brand statement, optimal career, and decision-making criteria.
  2. Create a strategic plan in CRM comprised of target verticals/employers, multi-channel lead generation activities, and network development.
  3. Execute the target market plan leading to active job opportunities.
  4. Build a targeted resume to take advantage of all job opportunities.
  5. Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring
    celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.
  6. Empower Luke to make a great decision


“I had been working at my current company for 3 years and it was starting to be clear I wasn't moving up in my career there. When I first met Peter, he laid out his step-by-step strategy. To me, it was clear that he had a good process and it had worked for other people. Generally, job searching is a painful experience for me and a lot of what was keeping me in my current role was because of that. It was not painful with Peter though. We started with a personality assessment to determine what would be a good fit for me and he proceeded to coach me throughout the application and interview process. How I got the job offer I ended up accepting was he told me to go drop my resume off in person. I would not have done that without him pushing me to do that. In the end, my search took exactly 90 days, and I achieved a significant increase in compensation! I really enjoyed my time with Peter and will really miss meeting at our booth at Panera.”

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Hi Peter: This job has been the perfect fit for me. I am

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