
“Due to the Pandemic, I decided to leave NYC in July 2020 and returned to my home state of VT to work remotely. A year later my employer notified me that living in Vermont was not considered a location within a reasonable commute to the NY metro area, so I was challenged to make a difficult decision. I loved being back home, and though risky after 5 years with the same organization, I decided to search within my current company for aligned remote jobs and/or a new job in the VT area. As I began searching for new opportunities and networking with several colleagues, I found myself feeling lost, insecure, and questioning my career path. I finally realized that I needed more support and guidance to find a new position/organization that valued my skills, experience, and knowledge in the health and wellness industry.”


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Katie set clear project outcomes: For Katie to build her brand statement and aligned internal company and external market strategy/execution that would result in her gaining an aligned job by 10/1/2021.


Coach Peter and Katie created an action plan that would:

  • Clearly define Katie’s unique brand statement and decision-making criteria.
  • Create an internal job search strategy to identify, network, and apply to aligned jobs.
  • Create an external job search strategy in the Customer Relationship Management CRM comprising target industry segments, employers, multi-channel lead generation activities, and network development.
  • Execute the internal and external plan leading to active job opportunities.
  • Build a targeted resume to take advantage of all job opportunities.
  • Prepare for and follow up with appropriate communication on all interviews.
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.


“Peter’s strategic approach to finding a job/career where you thrive and make you happy was exactly what I needed. His coaching and guidance helped me rediscover my passion and recognize my values and goals as a professional. From start to finish, Peter communicated with me very frequently – via email, text messages, phone calls, and Zoom meetings. His communication with me was especially needed to keep me motivated and accountable because I was still working in a role that was mentally draining and not helping me get to the next level.

I interviewed, networked, and applied to several internal positions but was told several times that my qualifications were not a good fit or that other applicants were better candidates for the jobs I was seeking. Peter helped me see the good in the bad throughout this journey. He advised me on what to do next and how to do it. He also continued to lift my spirits and not get discouraged. By the end of the summer, we started focusing more on external positions and finding opportunities that would value my experience and qualifications. He coached me on what to look for in my search like, key requirements, qualifications, and company profiles. He also helped me network and contact individuals in my profession for informational interviews. All this work took a lot of patience and time, but in the end, it built up my confidence and helped me recognize my worth and that I was valuable.

I finally found an open position with BCBSVT that was the perfect fit and submitted my resume. The position checked off all of my boxes and Peter’s approach to the interviewing process was extremely helpful. During my interview, I had multiple stories that articulated my experience perfectly and was able to ask the right questions that allowed me to realize this was the job I wanted. At some point, I didn’t feel like I was in an interview, the conversations flowed seamlessly with every individual I spoke with. A week later the recruiter asked for professional references which Peter said was a good sign, the following day I got the offer and quickly said yes.

I do not doubt in my mind that working with Peter got me here. Over the past several months I’ve grown personally and professionally. He helped me build confidence, cheered me on, and provided the right guidance/advice along the way. There is no way I would have gained all of this if I only got help with writing my resume. I needed a coach that was dedicated and supportive which is exactly what Peter brought to the table.”

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