Karine N. (Part 1)


“I worked as a PA in the same neurology practice for 13+ years. As the longest-tenured PA, I was proud of the work I had done to support patients and the practice. Importantly, I enjoyed working with the three members of my team and treating patients who came to see us for a broad range of neurological conditions. Then one day, things began to change when I found out that a key member of our team was going to be retiring. This person hired me, mentored me, and we shared the same core values. I would miss him very much. As I began to reflect more deeply, I knew it was time to make a change in how I handled my career. With this in mind, I reached out to LinkedIn for support. That is when I met Coach Peter. Little did I know that the work we would do would not be about a resume but a journey to better understand my awesome self, gain clarity on what I need, and advocate and obtain those things within my present organization.”


After an introductory conversation, Peter and Karine set clear project outcomes: For Karine to identify and document her unique brand and job decision making criteria and to create a short term job optimization and career strategy that would drive an improved self-advocacy at the executive level resulting in respect, and enhanced compensation.


 Peter helped me:     

  • Formulate a powerful personal brand statement based on my values and experiences.
  • Decide what I want and need from my job from now on.
  • Prepare for and negotiate my contract at the C-Level.
  • Given a competitive internal threat, understand how to think through my Grand Rounds strategy.


“Peter, thank you so much! The brand analysis, values clarification, decision making, and negotiation coaching built my self-confidence! I will admit to carrying my brand statement with me so I could look at it during my contract negotiation meetings with the CEO. All of our hard work empowered me to speak up for myself in a professional and respectful manner. In the end, the meeting was very productive as I finally felt like I was listened to and better understood, obtained a significant increase in compensation, and other value adds, and led to open dialogue with the CEO! I am happy to stay where I am and fight for what I deserved. There are not enough words to say how much I thank you for helping me boost my confidence!”

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