
“It was December 2020, and having built my expertise in transitional care/case management and completed my MS in Nursing Leadership, I remember thinking, wow, I am at the pinnacle of my career. Then it happened, a healthcare system merger. I watched as my colleagues got let go and thinking my number was next, decided to look for a new role. I quickly found another job that looked like an excellent opportunity. Unfortunately, it did not take me too long to realize that the organization was not a good fit for me, and after nine months, I decided to leave and start a more focused job search. My biggest problem was my mindset, as my self-confidence was shaken, and I was unsure where to start. That is when I found Coach Peter.”


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Karen set clear project outcomes: For Karen to build a brand and market strategy/execution that would result in her attaining a role that would leverage her exceptional experience and skills and do it within 90 days.


Coach Peter and Karen created an action plan that would:

  • Create a strategic plan in CRM.
  • Clearly define Karen’s unique brand statement.
  • Execute the target market plan.
  • Build a branded resume to take advantage of two job opportunities.
  • Prepare for and execute all interviews.
  • Work through the job offer, decide, and communicate acceptance.
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.


“I was at a frustrating point in my career. Peter helped me with a plan that I could follow and that motivated me towards success. After our first phone call my spirits were lifted and I felt more confident than I had in months. My family noticed the difference in me physically and emotionally. I learned so much in a short time period. The decision-making tool was an extremely important thing to learn. Using the tool, I was able to focus on what I really wanted and what I was best suited for. Combined with Peter’s amazing coaching, I felt prepared to make the right decisions, send the perfect cover letters and conduct a high impact interview that resulted in me winning a job 100% aligned with my career goal and within 30 days of us working together! I would highly recommend Peter Duffy for career coaching. The results will impress you!”

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Hi Peter: This job has been the perfect fit for me. I am

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