
“My career has always been incredibly important to me. I originally chose to work with Peter to clarify my professional self, namely what my past experiences mean to me and where I’d perhaps make my next move(s). I was not job hunting and liked the job that I was doing. Before our initial zoom session, Peter inquired about my timeframe for hiring a coach. I said I want to jump into this journey ASAP. He asked, “Why this urgency?” My answer was, that’s the way I roll and, “Why not?”


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Jane set clear project outcomes: For Jane to understand/communicate her unique brand, prepare for and execute her interviews with precision, leading to attaining a job that met her needs.


Coach Peter and Jane created an action plan that would:

  • Clearly define Jane’s unique brand statement and her ideal work setting. This included updating her brand on LinkedIn.
  • Create and execute a targeted strategic marketing plan.
  • Build a technology and communications model to track and discuss all job opportunities and prepare for/follow up on all interviews.
  • Build a 30-60-90 day success onboarding plan
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.


Working with Peter, I gained clarity on my brand, positioned myself in the right market, confidently communicated my value/asked probing questions within the interview process, and acquired the wisdom to make a good decision. The result of which was a major vertical move into a new and more valuable job. On top of that, because we developed a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan/mental framework, my first day on the job was fabulous. With Peter’s encouragement of my natural inclination to never stagnate and to continue to build my value proposition, I have set a short-term goal of obtaining my BSN and, in the long term, creating a legal nurse consulting business. Peter’s professionalism, coaching, and ideas have proven invaluable. I cannot recommend his work, help, and support highly enough.”

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