Barbara H.


“After 15 highly successful years as a Manager in Clinical Operations with a major pharmaceutical company, I was notified that my position was being eliminated. Honestly, I did not expect this, as I had done a superior job, was a subject matter expert in many areas, and was a loyal employee. I realized that I needed to find a new organization where I could add value and do so by my termination date of 10/1/2021. I began searching and applying to various jobs, and it did not take me long to figure out that it was going to be harder than I thought as companies were now requiring a college degree for the roles I was applying for. My current role was a hybrid, and the same type of roles were called many different things by various companies. I knew my resume needed updating, so I went to LI Profinder to find a resume writer and I found Coach Peter. Little did I realize that only a resume would not get me to where I needed to go, and the strategic solution that he offered would be vital for me to make my October 1 deadline!”


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Barbara set clear project outcomes: For Barbara to build a brand and market strategy/execution that would result in her gaining an aligned job by 10/1/2021.


Coach Peter and Barbara created an action plan that would:

  • Clearly define Barbara’s unique brand statement and decision-making criteria.
  • Create a strategic plan in the Customer Relationship Management CRM comprised of target industry segments, employers, multi-channel lead generation activities, and network development.
  • Execute the target market plan leading to active job opportunities.
  • Build a targeted resume to take advantage of all job opportunities.
  • Prepare for and follow up with appropriate communication on all interviews.
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.


“After 15 years at the same company and in need of a new job, I knew right away that I needed help with resume writing to highlight my expertise, qualifications, and experience. When I first met Peter and saw his approach to help me with every aspect of my journey toward finding a new job – not just resume writing – I knew he was the right choice for me. I ended up going through 6 interviews before we had started discussing strategy around that process, but Peter skipped ahead to help me prepare for the interviews and follow-up emails. His coaching was invaluable, as I was a complete novice concerning interviewing after 15 years at the same company. From start to finish, Peter communicated with me very frequently – via email, text messages, phone calls, and Zoom meetings. His communication with me was especially needed to keep me motivated because during this time I was extremely sick and still trying to work while looking for a job and interviewing.

We continued to work on Peter’s plan of action over the next several weeks while I waited to hear if I would be offered the job. I was very disappointed when I learned they offered the job to someone else, but Peter was extremely helpful in navigating what to do from that point on. He advised that I should send thank you emails to the recruiter and the hiring manager for the opportunity, and to say if they had any positions open in the future, I would be very interested to learn more about them. A few weeks later, the hiring manager reached out to me and let me know there was a development with the position and if I was interested to schedule a call with the recruiter. The following day I met with the recruiter, and she said they had another position approved – the same one I interviewed for previously – and asked if I was interested. Of course, I said YES, and she said I didn’t need to go through any additional interviews since I already did them and sent me an offer letter. I discussed the offer with Peter, and he advised what I should say in my response.

Thanks to Peter, I responded as we discussed, and we agreed on a higher starting salary. I signed the offer letter on September 29, two days before my October 1st deadline. I couldn’t be more grateful to Peter for all his help, guidance, personal and expert advice, positive attitude, and cheering me on during the months we worked together. I know I would not have gotten this job without him.”

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