What do Sam Walton, founder of Walmart; Arthur Ashe, the only African American man ever to win the singles title at Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Australian Open; Elon Musk, Founder, CEO and lead designer of SpaceX/Tesla; and Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics have in common? They all live/lived during times of great depression or recession, began their journeys with little money or family notoriety, embraced the storms of their world, and used their skill and experiences to shape their world to their purpose.

We can learn much from these people. As a professional career coach, I am witnessing the impact of the storm of 2020 on hundreds of people’s lives and careers. People are changing roles, transitioning careers, deciding to go back to school, and moving across countries to find better jobs.

Although this change could lead to something extraordinary – what I have been seeing is people who have lost sight of or have not taken stock of their potential during a time when significant change is happening. I cannot help but want to share some critical insight that can get people to reach what they are made for while we go through strenuous times.

Two words: Unique Brand.

To embrace the storms of our world, make a career transition, or run an effective job search, we must first connect with our unique brand by understanding the areas of which it is comprised:     

●       Expertise: Doing something with expertise means accomplishing a job or task the right way (to a standard), for the right reason at the right time, every time, without supervision.

●       Skills: Having a skill means acting with a determined result, often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. Importantly, skills are the foundational building blocks for jobs. The more effective a person is with job-related skills, the more effective they will be at a position.

●       Experience: Experience means having knowledge or skill in a particular field, especially a profession or job, gained over some time. Experience leads to confidence, and confidence leads to satisfaction.

●       Values: Values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They should determine your priorities, and deep down, they are probably the measure you use to gauge if your life is turning out the way you want it to.

●       Passion: Passion is what brings you meaning, what you care deeply about. It is an eager interest or admiration for something or someone. It is the spirit that drives us from within, always beckoning.  

The authentic brand is determined by taking the time to discern each of these areas. Once accomplished, the results should be written down in a statement and committed to memory. The brand statement should be the Polaris that guides your actions. Only then can you launch out with 100% confidence and shape your world, reaching your purpose. 

Peter Duffy is the owner of Connections Career Coaching, a strategic coaching practice whose mission is to help people connect with their real selves and to meaningful work.      

Need help pulling your brand together, reach out…

Email: peter@connectionscareercoaching.com

Company LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/connections-career-coaching-7711.

Professional LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-duffy-ccc/

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