
"As a longtime software professional, I had reached a point in my career in which I knew it was time to move on to a new challenge. But how to proceed? I had been in my then current job for 10+ years. My resume was out of date and didn't reflect my current skill set. And although my experience and training had helped me to develop strong leadership, people, and technical skills, I was not sure how best to communicate that image effectively and get it noticed by the "right" employer. This is where Coach Pete came in. Little did I realize that only a resume would not get me to where I needed to go, and the strategic solution that he offered would be vital for me to attain my goal."


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Joe set clear project outcomes: For Joe to build a brand and market strategy/execution that would result in him gaining an aligned job in under 90 days.    


 Peter helped me by:     

  • Formulating a powerful personal brand statement based on my own values and experiences.
  • Evaluating and targeting specific industries and companies within those industries, which resulted in our building an extremely robust list of candidate companies that truly aligned with my personal values and career goals.
  • Simultaneously overhauling my resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Preparing me for interviews by coaching me during mock interview sessions, employing a behavioral interview approach that proved to be incredibly effective. The combination of these training exercises, coupled with Pete’s advice, coaching, and structured process, truly transformed my interviewing and communications approach and resulted in a high degree of confidence during the interviews and subsequent job offer negotiation phase.


“Happily, I can share that after only a few months working with Coach Peter, I was offered, and accepted, a job opportunity from a company that is very much aligned with my career goals and values. The position also included a strong growth path and salary increase. And as a manager, I can appreciate the fact that Peter's adaptable method and approach will be extremely effective in any career path. To that end, I strongly endorse Peter and recommend his assistance, whether you are manager or individual contributor, in between jobs, in career transition as I was, or looking for your first job. Best wishes in your search, and many thanks, Coach Peter!"

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