
Being let go two times and job searching since September of 2023 is not a position anyone wants or should be in. The thing was, I had gotten 50 interviews with 30 companies in a challenging job market, but I could not convert them into an offer. I knew I was doing some things right to get the interviews, but as time passed, I remember saying that I honestly did not know what I was doing wrong, and my confidence started to wane. Then, my luck changed; I spoke with a friend about my situation, and she shared that she had worked with Peter and that I should talk to him. Peter and I had a discovery call, and he opened my eyes to what he had to offer as a coach. At the same time, I received a call for a final round interview. I told myself I needed to win this and hired Peter to lead me.


After an introductory conversation, Peter and Elliot laid out an 8-step success process to get him to his goal—an offer.  


Step 1: Research the organization/people he would be meeting with.  

Step 2: Know the questions they will ask him based on his submitted resume and any past conversations they may have had. 

Step 3: Practice, practice, practice his resume-based stories.

Step 4: Know the questions he will ask based on his defined needs. 

Step 5: Practice asking his questions.

Step 6: Visualize success, which includes listening to the deeper needs of the audience.

Step 7: Write down the needs of the person he is interviewing with.

Step 8: Thank the people in a way demonstrating that he listened to their essential needs.


Before selecting Peter, I plunged into the job market without much confidence or direction. I enjoyed my health tech career, but the recent startups I joined have been somewhat volatile. From our first meeting, Peter centered my focus on his industry experience, his ability to listen to and synthesize my pain points, and his introduction of a proven step-by-step process. I felt like I finally had an ally to help me manage my way to the result I knew I deserved. Peter’s Interviewing to Win and Winning the Race processes were the difference-makers – he helped me speak to my power stories, ask the right questions, and follow up with messaging that held the attention of the hiring teams. Importantly, being able to rely on this experience and knowledge allowed me to overcome the challenges of job hunting – the rejections, being ghosted, and the seemingly endless time between interview rounds – to finally gain two offers from companies that were top targets, offering excellent benefits and compensation packages. Peter helped me get into a position to make the best decision for myself and my family -- a decision where I felt like I didn’t have to settle – and this all happened in under 90 days. I cannot thank Peter enough for the direction and path he has set me on as I push forward in my career to build technology that makes hospitals more efficient so they can focus on the things that matter most - the patients.

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Hi Peter: This job has been the perfect fit for me. I am

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