
“Did you ever have one of those jobs that you rue the day you accepted it? That was me. I knew it was a mistake from the start, but I thought, I will give it the ole college try and see where it goes. Over the time of a year, I accomplished some excellent product development work and garnered many valuable experiences. As the days wore, I started running out of motivation, and my mind began to pivot to what I needed to do next jobwise. Importantly, I knew that I needed to make a better decision than last time to avoid falling into the same job hole. I had heard of Coach Peter and decided to reach out to him for a discovery call to get his thoughts on how I should proceed. When we finished talking, being in a very negative mindset, I was not entirely confident that I would be able to make a successful transition but thought, let's give it a go.”


After an introductory conversation, Peter and David set clear project outcomes: For David to build a brand and market strategy that would generate a positive mindset and gain a brand-aligned job in under 90 days.


 Peter helped me by:     

  • Formulating a powerful personal brand statement based on my values and experiences.
  • Evaluating and targeting specific industries that truly aligned with my values and career goals.
  • Creating a branded STAR story-based resume.
  • Preparing me for interviews with his 5 STEP Interviewing to Win success process.


"I was in a rut. My prior job was, by far, the worst I ever had. My confidence had been destroyed which hampered my motivation to find my next thing. A couple of my former colleagues suggested I talk to Peter. They told me to think of him as a career trainer. In my first meeting with Peter, I told him `I’m not sure your approach to finding a job will work, but I am sure my historical approach does not, so let’s try it. ` This skepticism quickly gave way to results, as I found a job in less than two months. And, more importantly, I’m really excited about my new company and role. Peter helped boost my confidence and really think about what I wanted to do and what kind of company I wanted to work for. Peter’s approach was very methodical and targeted. His entire M.O. is don’t settle. For me that meant stop applying to any and every opening you see. Be selective. Trust Peter’s system. So, this time, as I searched, I only went after roles/companies I was excited about. As a result, I went into the interviewing process energized and excited. Peter was right, that made all the difference. If you’re struggling to identify, find or close your next job, I highly recommend at least talking to Peter. It could make a big difference. It did for me.”

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Hi Peter: This job has been the perfect fit for me. I am

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