
“After 16 years at the same company, I knew my job-hunting skills were rusty and seriously out of date. A friend had recommended Pete to me a few months earlier so when a company reorganization forced me into an unscheduled job search, my first call was to Pete. After we spoke, I asked myself, can I afford to hire him? It started as a simple equation. If a coach could get me a job a month sooner than searching by myself or assisted me in getting a higher salary their fee would be easily recouped. What I got from Pete was so much more.”


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Bill set clear project outcomes: For Bill to build a brand and market strategy/execution that would result in him attaining a role that would leverage his exceptional experience and skills and do it within 90 days.


Coach Peter and Bill created an action plan that would:

  • Clearly define Bill’s unique brand.
  • Create a strategic plan/CRM in MS EXCEL.
  • Execute the target market plan.
  • Build a branded resume to take advantage of two job opportunities.
  • Prepare for and execute all interviews.
  • Work through the job offer, decide, and communicate acceptance.
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.


“Pete is a marketing genius where the product being marketed is YOU. He starts with some discovery and develops your brand. He updates your resume and LinkedIn and then helps with every step in the job search. His interview prep skills are amazing. He uncovers nuances that can help you stand out from the competition. Beyond all that, Pete is a true coach. Regularly checking up on you and encouraging. Job searches are exhausting, and unplanned ones are extremely stressful. Pete helps keep your head in the game and gets you across the finish line.

My goal was to find a new opportunity in six months that matched my brand and passion. With Pete’s help, I did it in less than three months”.

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