
Jim has been working in the Defense industry for over 25 years and is recognized as an expert and leader in Agile software development. Though it has been a great job in terms of proximity to home, good working hours, compensation, and learning experiences, he feels that there is still something lacking in terms of meaning. With the onset of the COVID pandemic and its profound negative impact on all things related to Jim’s work environment, Jim’s future career planning began to accelerate. He had so many thoughts in his head and was just not sure how to proceed. That is when he met Coach Peter.


After an introductory conversation, Coach Peter and Jim set clear project outcomes: For Jim to build his authentic brand, create a two-pronged strategy to reflect on/identify optimal career options (working for someone else or himself), and to build a transition plan in support of Jim’s career choice.


Coach Peter and Jim created an action plan that would:

  • Clearly define Jim’s unique brand statement and decision-making criteria.
  • Create a strategic plan comprised of target verticals/employers, multi-channel lead generation activities, and network development.
  • Consider and build a comprehensive strategy document supporting Jim founding his own LLC.
  • Execute the target market plan leading to pros and cons for him to consider.
  • Provide a project plan based on consistent communication feedback loops, ensuring celebrating every achieved milestone along the way.


“Peter showed his commitment to my professional success at every meeting. He took the time to really understand my current work responsibilities and challenges and was meticulous in discerning what provides real meaning for me in my work. With this as a foundation, we worked together to develop an entrepreneurial career strategy that is a great fit for me. Although I’m staying with my present job, for now, thanks to Peter I am well-prepared to make a transition when the time comes. I could not have achieved these results without Peter’s coaching and guidance.”

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